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阿~~~ 人家想拿八千元大獎說...><...屁股都還沒坐熱就被叫去領獎了
今天運動了兩個小時還有1300元的收入,What a happy day!! 開懷大笑

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2007/10/29-30 Europe Trade Meeting 在倫敦舉行
感謝Yeh sir和TC讓我參加這次的會議
有機會跟平日通電話發e-mail的代理行近距離接觸 互相寒喧
即使在倫敦的三晚都沒什麼睡 (就是睡不著 ...><...) 

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一向最討厭寫作文日記的我,沒想到來歐洲後竟也胡亂寫了幾篇文章記錄在德國的生活,一來是不想讓歐洲生活留白,留下一些紀念供日後回憶用,另一方面我想也是時間太多於是去年底參加完第二次的Eisbeinessen後,有感而發寫了一篇關於這個豬腳大會的文章放在部落格上,那時心理想竟然寫都寫了不如來投稿陽明月刊,不但可以介紹一下這個漢堡海運界名產讓大家知道,還可以小賺一些稿費請大家吃飯,真是一舉兩得!所以即使對自己的文筆再怎麼沒信心,在大家的鼓舞下我還是豁出去地把文章寄給了總管理部,之後一個月兩個月過去了,我的投稿石沉大海好吧!我想可能是寫得太爛人家不想登吧,不過這樣也好,我算是鬆了一口氣,不然登出來讓人家笑這樣我也挺不好意思的,就這樣我逐漸忘了這回事。沒想到,五月中當我還在台灣悠閒地吃著各式各樣的小吃、粽子、水果時,總管理部寄來了一封信,大意是說他們下一期要刊登我的Eisbeinessen,請我順便翻譯一篇英文版讓他們登在YM You & Me上,故意裝作沒看到,居然還發reminder要我五月底前交,哇哩勒這怎麼行,我都還沒在台灣悠哉夠,而且回到德國後那個週末就要獨自出發到挪威去玩,排行程都沒時間了哪有餘力還去管什麼英文版啊,於是休假結束後,我白目的回說我剛休假回來很忙,不僅是公事忙私事也忙得很,沒時間耶~ 在一翻討價還價後,終於同意讓我延兩個禮拜交卷;之後又是一陣遺忘,等到突然想到要交英文稿時,又只剩下一個禮拜了,慘慘慘…deadline慢慢逼近就是不想寫,然後突然又被同事告知那個在台灣紅翻天的超級星光大道真是超級好看,楊宗緯唱歌賺人熱淚,於是我又沉迷在YouTube整整兩個晚上把近幾個禮拜的歌唱比賽找出來一次聽個夠,聽完滿足了,但也剩下沒多少時間,再不寫就真的要開天窗了,只好硬著頭皮開始翻,唉好難阿~ 那種帶著感情的文章最難翻成英文了,更何況到時候全球代理行都看得到這篇英文版,還不能隨便亂寫,寫了又修、修了又改,雖然最後還是有點虎頭蛇尾,不過不想再寫,所以終於今天交卷了,解脫~~~

In the 2nd biggest city of Germany, Hamburg, a well-known shipping event “EISBEINESSEN” takes place on the first Friday in November every year. This hilarious event is held by Hamburg Shipbrokers Association (VHSS) and all related corporations in shipping are invited to join in it. The participators are mostly international ocean carriers, local feeder companies, freight forwarders, shipbrokers, inland transportation hauliers and so forth, who are reserving several seats to reward their staff or entertain the major clients. When the evening comes on this special day, numerous people wearing in formal dress crowd into the Congress Center in Hamburg (CCH), and are ready to enjoy the banquet heartily.

The particular event name “EISBEINESSEN” directly came from a German word which means a meal of pork knuckle; “Eisbein” is the traditional boiled port knuckle in North German style whilst “Essen” is the same meaning as “meal” or “eat”. Why was this event given by such a peculiar name? Guess it’s because of the main course in the dinner – a big boiled knuckle of pork! Meanwhile, another light dish “Kassler” with lightly smoked pork loin and vegetarian dish are also provided at different choice.  In addition to the main course, guests are served with typical German sauerkraut, potatoes, pease pudding, bacon and drinks; you might feel full enough after finishing up your own dish. For me, it’s really quite interesting to know the meaning behind event name as people in Taiwan would never denominate a momentous event in such a straight way.

According to the history of Eisbeinessen, there were only 110 people attending when the first Eisbeinessen started in November 1948; it was convened by the Managing Director of VHSS and celebrated for the resumption of shipping operations and business in Hamburg after the war. After that successful evening, all participants agreed to continue this gathering to become a regular event; with great support from all parties in this field, this activity has grown gradually and participants keep increasing every year. Up to year 2006, it has conducted the 58th session, total more than 300 tables were prepared and the amount of people present rose to more than 5000 approximately.

In Europe, as long as you are invited to participate a formal party, it’s very common to have some drinks at bar area for relaxation before the dinner starts, you may order different kinds of juice, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, and then get together with coworkers around the bar or look for the clients to give a warm greeting. During the whole evening till night, no any performances were played except for the opening speech given by the Managing Director of the Association, this brings people more opportunity to have conversations with each other either in personal topics or business matters and fulfill the purpose of this gathering. The party lasted till 2 o’clock past midnight, therefore, after the generous feast, more and more people ganged up in the bar again, and the famous German beers and soft drinks were served as much as you like! It indeed gave me a deep impression on Germans’ ability in drinking beer and endurance in staying in a party all the night.

 The best souvenir from this event is the participants’ brochure; every participant at the Eisbeinessen will receive a brochure, giving details of all companies participating, with the surname and first name of guests. Having this brochure, then it’s not a problem to seek out anyone you would like to meet among hundreds of tables. Learned from the colleagues that some people already participate this unique event for more than 20 times and almost appear here every year since they started the career in shipping. To participate Eisbeinessen is an unforgettable experience to me, not only for the celebrated Eisbein, but also for its joyful atmosphere. EISBEINESSEN does introduce a wonderful social occasion in the shipping world!

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EISBEINESSEN,漢堡每年11月第一個禮拜五定期舉辦的年度航運盛會,今年在113日這天熱烈登場。這個熱鬧非凡的party是由German Shipbrokers’ Association舉辦,每年到了這一天傍晚,漢堡市中心的CCH會議中心就會擠進許多穿著正式服裝的航運界人士,準備盡情地大喝德國啤酒、吃豬腳大餐。參與晚會的大多是國際航商、地區性集貨船公司、貨運承攬業者或內陸運輸公司,或是買下幾席座位來犒賞員工,或是招待重要客戶,藉由這一年一次的大拜拜,讓航運界來個大交流。


據說EISBEINESSEN這個活動一開始只有兩桌,由於活動宗旨得到許多業界人士的認同,所以人數從剛開始的小貓兩三隻每年逐漸增加,至今年舉辦了第58屆,總桌數已是三百多桌,總計約有四五千人參加。參加EISBEINESSEN的貴賓除了可享用一頓豐盛的豬腳大餐之外,其他有酒精無酒精飲料都是隨你喝到飽;在歐洲,只要是正式的大型餐宴或晚會,一定免不了餐前的social活動,所以Bar Area是一定要的啦!餐宴正式開動前,只見男男女女已脫掉厚重的外套,群聚在吧台各角落,手裡無不拿著果汁、啤酒、氣泡飲料,在人群中尋找熟識的朋友或客戶,等到七點鐘一到,提醒所有人趕緊入座的廣播聲響起,豬腳大餐就要上場啦!這個晚宴,沒有任何的表演活動,只在豬腳上桌前由主辦單位簡單的致個詞,接下來就是來賓自己的時間;另外,也有一種飲料卷,開放給只想進去喝飲料、聯誼的人購買,九點以後入場,價格差不多是豬腳餐的一半,算是另一項較經濟的選擇。整個活動一直持續到半夜兩點才結束,實在讓人不得不佩服歐洲人參加晚宴的耐力,吃晚餐前就開始喝酒聊天,吃完晚餐又繼續,越夜越high,而醉漢也越晚越多,德國同事都會開玩笑的說,女生在beer bar附近活動時得注意不要被偷襲,因為時間越晚就會有越多人喝醉,由於沒待到這麼晚,還真不知活動結束時現場是什麼情形。


通常,離EISBEINESSEN舉辦的日子越近,有時在跟feeder公司連絡完要掛上電話時,對方就會順道問一句「你會不會參加EISBEINESSEN阿?到時候見」, 彷彿參加這個活動已經是德國航運業者間的一種習慣,一種彼此間存在的默契。跟德國同事或同桌來賓閒聊間,得知有些人參加這個活動的經驗值已達將近20次之多,幾乎是打從進了航運業後就是年年參加,每年一定要到CCH現場去哈拉一下才甘願。EISBEINESSEN不但拉近了航運人間的距離,也讓我們這些外地來的短暫過客,在工作之餘,有機會貼近德國人的生活,著實體驗了一次特別的地方風情。

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